Monday, May 9, 2011

Run To The Battle

Everyone knows that one of the most important tasks of every leader is to move people out of their comfort zones. I absolutely agree. Nine years ago when Denise and I first moved to Clarksville to start Fellowship Church we were certainly leaving the realms of the comfortable and the convenient. I still remember facing the temptations of taking the easy road- defining "Church" by what came natural to me, using previous successful models of church growth, doing church traditionally as others expected- hymns and three point sermons, putting the care of "members" wants and needs first and everybody feels good and we all go home. Yeah- no. Couldn't do it.

This church had to be different- something in my heart, burning, piercing- would not let me do church as usual. I felt a sense of desperation- a deep need- on the part of the people. The people here in North Clarksville were lonely, even in a crowd- even amongst family and friends. They were lonely, broken, and beaten down and I could see it. No doing church as usual- not here- not on the battlefield. God was calling us to reach the least, the last and the lost- and it would not be easy... or pretty- but following Jesus rarely is.

Nine years later and I still battle the temptation to take the easy approach to ministry- to do church as "everybody else does it." The enemy whispers, "Just give in and pamper the good church folks, don't challenge them to grow in their faith. Cater to their whims and stop worrying about the poor and homeless. Quit being so concerned for people struggling with alcohol and drugs and eating disorders. Stop trying to reach the soldiers- they don't need or want Jesus. You need to focus more on the children of the members of this church and less on the children and teens that don't go to church. And would you lay off trying to reach out to the people who are gay or lesbian? You are only upsetting and ticking off the good church folk."

Yes, I hear the enemy's whispers- and sometimes the enemy shouts at me through good church folk. But I am keenly aware of what it is that my savior calls me to do. So, I keep singing-

"Some people want to live
Within the sound of chapel bells
But I want to run a mission
A yard from the gates of Hell
And with everyone you meet
I'll take them the gospel and share it well
And look around you as you hesitate
For another soul just fell
Let's run to the battle
Run to the battle" - Steve Camp

Joyfully running-
