Kinda new to the blogging least writing one... and coming up with a name- wow- I haven't put that much effort into a title since being graded for a homiletics class at Emory. Lol... The name, oh yes, the Polyester Pulpit. I wanted something that reflected my past- my heritage as a follower of Christ, growing up in the bible belt in the 70's & 80's where being creative meant using velvet stickers in Sunday school and precooked macaroni glued to tin can was art and, of course, polyester was king.
I use the imagery of a huge, hard-wood pulpit to convey my passion in communicating the Gospel of Christ- something with a flare of the ancient- yet fresh, modern, burning, vibrant- alive... something futuristic. A message that is both ancient and future. Bill Easum puts it best when he refers to the current trend of missiology as Ancient-Future, yeah, I like there you have it: the Polyester Pulpit.
What will I say? I want to talk about servant leadership and communication, the gospel and radical life transformation- as well as movies, graphic novels and comics and how everything intersects with the spiritual. I want to share from my twenty one years experience serving the local church as pastor, teacher, team builder, church-planter, communicator and on special occasions, referee.
My nature is to be an encourager-a cheer leader- an on-the-field-screaming-you-can-do-it! kind of guy. And if sharing from both my hurts and hang-ups as well as my wins in life will help someone else become a better leader- then awesome. If not, I still get to enjoy communicating- and thinking about the Polyester Pulpit...
Having fun,